Sunday, August 2, 2009

How pretentious do you have to be before you google yourself?

You've done it, right? You saw that blinking cursor on the search bar, and you couldn't help yourself. Maybe just to see your alter ego, maybe to add hits to the counter. It's a sad creature of malevolent self-pride to type your own name into a google search. Today, I did it. It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last. I was honestly surprised by what I saw. What's my score today? 3,190 hits. Granted that includes the first name "Zach," but honestly, I don't know how my name came up 3,190 times on the internet. I have 121 friends on Facebook today, and 0 followers on twitter. I own a website,, which has had a few hits from stumbleupon, but nothing much. I gave out about a hundred stickers or so, and haven't got a single comment about the site from someone I don't know. But they are all over the Ohio turnpike rest stops, I know that! Sure, there's the podcast as well; The New Scum Fix, but there's only 13 episodes. I'm trying to create a presence on the web, of course, who isn't? The thing is, though, where do we draw the line? How do you take someone seriously on the internet? I'm just as real as any other person, but how can we quantify success these days? Some of the most brilliant minds on the internet are just normal guys like you and me, that just happened to have an early stake in some form of electronic exchange that gave them e-notoriety. So how prententious do you have to be before you go and start googling yourself? Not so pretentious at all, it would seem, but pretentious enough to enjoy surfing through thousands of results. You can rest assured, though, that no matter how much your checking account fluctuates, google will do nothing but retain more and more information about you and who you are as time passes. When does pretentious turn to terrifying?

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